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Adult CPR / AED Certification Begin Now
It’s easy to earn your CPR and AED certification online. This CPR AED certification course is compliant with all ECC, ILCOR and AHA guidelines, and is accepted on a national level. It provides training in the following areas:
- Techniques for rescue breathing and chest compression in adults
- CPR with an Ambu Bag
- Using an automated external defibrillator on adults
- Responding to choking incidents in adults
- Hands-only CPR for laypeople
What You’ll Learn in This CPR & AED Certification Course
This adult CPR AED certification course covers how to perform CPR, how to use an AED, rescue breathing, and basic first aid for choking for adults.
Here’s an overview of some of the skills you will learn in this CPR and AED certification course.
How to Perform Adult CPR
Here’s how to perform adult CPR. If the patient has a pulse and is not breathing, deliver 1 rescue breath every 5 seconds, rechecking the pulse once every two minutes.
Provide rescue breathing by gently tilting the patient’s forehead back with one hand, lifting their chin with the other. This will open the airway without causing damage.
Then, pinch the nostrils closed with one hand; cover the patient’s mouth with your own, and breathe into the victim’s mouth (using a one-way mouthguard according to directions if you have one).
Give two breaths lasting one second each. Keep an eye on the patient’s chest; if you don’t see it rising, that means the airway is not sufficiently open. Reposition the patient by tilting the head and lifting the chin as before. This may dislodge an obstruction in the airway.
If the patient does not have a pulse and is not breathing, perform CPR—giving two breaths every 30 compressions. Do this until emergency assistance arrives or you are no longer able to perform CPR effectively. Taking an adult-only CPR & AED course can help you feel better prepared in case of an emergency. You’ll learn how to assess the situation, perform CPR, and use an AED confidently. When you're certified, you'll have the skills and knowledge to act quickly in an emergency situation. This can make all the difference in saving someone's life.
How to Use an AED on an Adult
What does AED stand for? AED stands for Automatic External Defibrillator. This course covers everything you need to know for AED certification.
These machines make a big difference in saving the lives of cardiac arrest victims by delivering an electric shock that restarts the heart’s natural rhythm. According to research, approximately 95% of cardiac arrest victims die before they get to the hospital. Every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation reduces the patient’s chance of surviving by 7-10%.
But nearly 60% of all cardiac arrests happen when the patient is around other people—so if an AED is around and you know how to use one, you can increase the patient’s odds of survival. If you provide defibrillation to a victim of cardiac arrest within 5-7 minutes, you can boost the patient’s survival chances by 30-45%. Some research shows that chances can be improved to as high as 86%.
The first step is to turn on the AED. Then take off the lid; you’ll find scissors, pads, a razor, and gloves beneath.
The pads will include a diagram indicating proper placement. You can use the scissors to cut away the patient’s shirt; the razor to shave the patient’s chest if it is hairy; and a towel or clothing to dry the patient’s chest if it is wet—although it does not have to be completely dry.
The AED will provide easy-to-follow prompts about how to apply the pads, start the compression, and start the shock process if it is advised (the machine will tell you if a shock is advised). Do not touch the patient while the shock is being delivered.
Adult First Aid for Choking
Choking occurs when an obstruction—like a toy or a piece of food—blocks a patient’s airway. If the obstruction isn’t serious, the patient can simply cough up the blocking object. However, if the blockage is severe and can’t be fixed by coughing, the patient may make the universal choking sign—grabbing their throat with one or both hands.
You can use the Heimlich maneuver for both adults and children. The steps include:
- Stand directly behind the patient and put your arms around their abdomen.
- With one hand, make a fist and place it just above their belly button.
- Place your other hand flat over the fist.
- Perform a quick, upward thrusting motion as if trying to lift the person with your fist.
- Continue to perform the thrusting motion until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unresponsive.
- If they become unresponsive, lay them down and perform CPR.
This certification does not include infant and child CPR. It is geared toward professionals who may need to provide lifesaving care or first aid, but who do not generally work around children or infants. If you are needing certification that includes Child and Infant CPR then we recommend you enroll in that course.
Occupations that may require this certificate include:
- On-site safety officers in construction, manufacturing, forestry, or transportation
- Workplace emergency response personnel
- Security officers
- Electricians
- Food and beverage workers
- Adult day care providers
- Home health aides
- Hospitality professionals
Of course, this is by no means an exhaustive list—and we strongly encourage everyone to learn how to use an AED and get certified in a basic First Aid training course, CPR, and other skills that come in handy in an emergency situation.
Adult AED and CPR Certification: Why Learn These Skills?
Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart’s natural rhythm is interrupted. This can happen to anyone, at any age—and in any state of health. In most cases, there are no warning signs.
The good news is that victims can recover—if they receive lifesaving care quickly enough.
CPR keeps oxygenated blood circulating while a patient waits for emergency responders, buying them precious time. And a shock from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can reset the heart’s natural rhythm and save the patient’s life.
The bad news is that many don’t receive this care quickly enough.
Approximately 350,000 people suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital every year in the United States. Because emergency responders frequently don’t arrive fast enough to prevent damage—they have only a four-minute window; sometimes less—these victims must rely on bystanders to provide help while they wait for emergency teams to arrive.
But even now, most people are not CPR certified and don't have basic life support training—and that’s why only 10.6% of people who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive.
The fix is simple. Learn these skills, even if you don’t have a medical background. This course includes hands-only CPR for laypeople, which takes less than 5 minutes to learn and does not require rescue breaths.
It’s just as effective as traditional CPR, and it’s enough to save someone’s life. Adult-Only CPR & AED courses can prepare you to deliver this lifesaving help. Whether you’re required to be certified for your job or just want the skills so you can help friends and family, take this course today!
CPR Training and Use of an AED: Not Just for Medical Experts
When many people need CPR the most, they’re nowhere near a hospital. If you earn your certification, you’re much more likely to use it at home, on a loved one—unless you work at a healthcare facility.
Studies show that only 15-30% of people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital receive lifesaving care from a bystander. When asked, most bystanders admit that they would be reluctant to perform CPR because they haven’t had the training or earned the certification.
Fear—of harming the patient or doing something wrong—keeps most people from delivering first aid and other lifesaving BLS care. And it results in lives lost. Almost 90% of those who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital do not survive.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a medical professional to use an AED or administer lifesaving CPR. Our Adults-Only CPR AED online course and certification program will teach you the hands-only version—a quick and dirty way to save lives.
It’s time well spent—the short time you spend in training may help you save the life of someone you love.
Why Earn Your CPR Certification Online?
Earning your certification card online is far easier and more convenient than doing it in person.
This online CPR AED training course offers self-paced life-saving training and certification, in a time and place that's convenient for you.
You'll learn use of an external defibrillator, how to recognize a medical emergency, and how to provide care in life-threatening situations—from an American Heart Association-certified instructor.
Our course materials are available 24 / 7 to our participants, and once you pass your exam, you'll receive a valid printable certification card immediately. Your permanent wallet card will come to you in the mail within 5-7 days.
Online Group CPR Training discounts are available for this and all of our other courses—get in touch for more information.
Other Articles by Dr. Mary Williams:
A Comprehensive Overview of Mental Health Disorders
A Guide to Automated External Defibrillators
An Online First Aid Guide for Families
Online Resources for Maintaining a Healthy Heart
Understanding Bloodborne Pathogens
Health Benefits of Music Therapy