We're Accepted Nationwide - And Worldwide
There is no organization that provides nationwide or worldwide accreditation for online CPR certification and AED training programs. However, when choosing a program, your main concern should be whether your employer will accept the credential—and there are a few things you should look for in determining how well-regarded a training program is. These include:
Online CPR Certification Acceptance by ILCOR.
The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) is a group of governing bodies from numerous countries throughout North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and Asia setting the standards for resuscitation technique and instruction. The American Heart Association is part of this organization.
Our classes are based on a curriculum by the AHA. CPR online courses offered by our company guide a student in learning these valuable skills. Our card is accepted by ILCOR, which means it is accepted in all member countries worldwide. ILCOR member organizations that recognize our card include:
- The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- The European Resuscitation Council
- The Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa
- The New Zealand Resuscitation Council
- The Resuscitation Council of Asia
- The InterAmerican Heart Foundation
- The Australian Resuscitation Council
- The American Heart Association
CPR Certification Curriculum Based on American Heart Association Guidelines.
The American Heart Association (AHA) is the US arm of ILCOR. It publishes ILCOR-developed guidelines for CPR courses that provide training and technique throughout the country. The AHA curriculum is the industry standard recognized in the US, based on the latest global research. Because our lessons are based on the curriculum of the AHA, CPR classes provide students with all they need to know in the event of an emergency situation.
However, it is not empowered to accredit or endorse any organization’s CPR training program. This is a common misconception about CPR training programs—there is no such thing as “AHA-accredited.” However, a program must be based on the guidelines of the AHA. CPR certification must be done in a way that prepares a student to deal with a variety of emergency situations. When a training program adheres to the guidelines of the AHA, CPR online classes carry more weight with employers.
A student greatly benefits from a curriculum that follows the guidelines of the AHA. CPR classes based on this curriculum are thorough and effective. Courses that are based on 2020 AHA guidelines provide students with the professional training they need in many health care fields. Also, we offer first aid and bloodborne pathogens courses for health care workers and others who want to be ready when called upon in a medical emergency.
Board Approved Continuing Education Provider for Online CPR Certification
Our cards are accepted and endorsed in every US state and Canadian province, as well as from over 60 nations in the European Union (EU), Asia and Africa.
So that professionals from all fields can use us, we've worked very hard to produce high quality training and form relationships with national and state licensing boards and employers with thousands of employees. For professionals, we have taken great care to create an accessible and easy to use website which allows you to complete your yearly continuing education (CE/CEU) requirements with ease. For employers needing to certify and manage large groups for CPR training, we have simplified the progress of organizing so many certification records in one easy to use dashboard allowing you to quickly enroll employees and manage their credentials in less time and with less hassle.
Listed below are a few of our approvals and endorsements from national and state licensing boards that have the power to dictate which programs a professional can use.
- National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & BodyWork - Approved Provider Number 1000650
- American Pharmacists Association - Adult CPR & AED, Basic Life Support, and First Aid
- Philadelphia Department of Public Health - Bloodborne Pathogens Certification
- Florida Board of Massage Therapy
So give us a call if you’re interested in signing up for our online courses in CPR. AHA-based curricula make our classes the best option for professionals in the health care industry.