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    Pet First Aid & CPR

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    About the author

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    Dr. Mary Williams, R.N., D.C is a Doctor of Chiropractic with an extensive background as a Registered Nurse and experienced Core Instructor for the American Heart Association. She has over 30 years of hands-on medical and instructional experience.

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    Although pets are well-loved members of the family, many people have no idea what to do if their dog or cat is hurt and needs emergency medical attention. Many pet owners do not understand how to administer CPR on an animal that isn’t breathing. Unfortunately, preventable accidents are the #1 cause of death in senior-age pets. About 25 percent of pets could be saved if their owners had taken a pet CPR class and knew how to administer first aid and CPR. If you have an older pet, taking pet CPR classes is an excellent way to prepare yourself for an emergency situation.

    Why Take Pet CPR Classes?

    So why should you take pet first aid classes online? The same reason why we take general first aid and CPR classes: It may save a life! Similar to humans, most pet accidents occur in or around the home. Common pet accidents include car accidents, broken bones, ingesting harmful substances, being attacked by other animals, and allergic reactions due to insect bites. It is critical to their survival that pet owners react fast and know what to do in an emergency situation. Unlike people, ambulances cannot be called for pets. If a dog or cat is in an accident, the owner must quickly drive them to the nearest vet, which may be miles away. Knowing how to perform CPR and triage wounds could be vital to their survival.

    Receiving your certification or recertification in CPR is great for anyone who works frequently with the public, while taking pet first aid classes online is an excellent way for pet owners to become skilled in caring for their pet. Pet owners can save hundreds of dollars in vet bills just by learning how to clean wounds, apply bandages, take vitals, and administer medications.

    Choosing Online Classes

    When choosing to receive your pet first aid certification, online classes are a great choice. Online courses are very convenient for people who do not have time for traditional classes. Online course materials are typically available 24/7, so you will have constant access to information. Many organizations, including CPR Certified, understand that visual aids are important for online learning, so it’s important that you find a program that fits your unique learning needs.

    For those interested in starting with general adult CPR and first aid certification, CPR Certified is a great fit. Our online classes are taught by AHA-certified instructors and based on professional AHA guidelines. By taking online courses, you can study when it is convenient for you.

    Numerous studies have shown that a fast response is critical to a victim’s survival in situations such as choking, bleeding, and cardiac arrest. The same is true for pets! In a pet first aid and CPR class, you will typically learn:

    • Wound assessment
    • Restraining
    • CPR for canines and felines
    • Rescue breathing
    • Choking management
    • Bleeding management
    • How to handle insect bites, seizures, heat/cold injuries, and much more

    For pet owners, it’s important to do what is called a “snout to tail” assessment of your furry friend. By learning what is normal for your pet, you can readily notice when something is wrong. Tumors, rapid weight loss/gain, and skin disorders are just a few of the conditions that can be easily diagnosed by performing this technique. Through additional training, you may also learn how to prevent many common household accidents. Keeping harmful chemicals and poisonous plants away from your pets is very important in keeping your pet healthy. Pet owners can also make sure that harmful food (such as grapes, onions, and chocolate for dogs) is kept out of reach.

    It’s tragic that many pets die each year because their owners do not know basic first aid and CPR, but you can prevent this from happening to your pet. Get your pet CPR certification online and be confident that you have the knowledge to save a life.


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