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    The Benefits of BLS Training

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    About the author

    Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC

    Dr. Mary Williams, R.N., D.C is a Doctor of Chiropractic with an extensive background as a Registered Nurse and experienced Core Instructor for the American Heart Association. She has over 30 years of hands-on medical and instructional experience.

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    Every day, there are any number of events that can result in serious injury and cause a person to stop breathing. These occurrences require fast action and people who are knowledgeable and capable enough to provide helpful assistance. Here at CPR Certified, we offer life-saving training such as our BLS training online. Our courses are founded on the American Heart Association curricula. Because BLS training is often taken independently, you may wonder whether or not it is necessary or what the benefits are. This is an important question to ask, as it can help you to not only make the right decision on whether this type of training is right for you, but it can also help you to see all that we have to offer. Being trained in BLS, or basic life support, can be one of the most important steps that you can take in addition to obtaining certification and recertification as needed.

    Increased Confidence

    Confidence is critical when you are working in certain professions, including the medical profession. This is particularly true when it comes to emergency situations that require life-saving measures such as CPR. BLS training will give you the confidence to act quickly when it is necessary; it can eliminate or greatly reduce the amount of hesitation that you may feel. Because you will have had BLS training, you’ll feel secure in the knowledge that you are taking the right actions required to save a life. In addition, confidence will empower you to take control of a situation and direct bystanders as necessary. Calling 911 is one of the ways that bystanders can be instructed to help in an emergency, for example. BLS certification will also give others confidence in you as a professional who has the ability to assist them or their loved ones.

    Always Prepared

    Being prepared is an obvious benefit that comes from BLS training, but because of its importance, it is still worth mentioning. People who know basic life support have the skills to take action no matter where they are or when it is required. Although your career may have been the impetus for taking our BLS training online, the knowledge that you gain will prepare you to help others whether you are on the job or on your own time. This means that you will be prepared to provide the necessary assistance while at home, in the grocery store, on vacation, or wherever an emergency may arise. Our online training courses prepare you to handle situations that range from choking to head injuries to helping someone who is having a stroke.

    Increases Your Appeal to Employers

    When seeking employment in certain fields, employers often look favorably on applicants who are certified and have the ability to perform basic first aid, including the ability to administer life-saving techniques such as CPR. BLS training through CPR Certified gives you those skills that will increase your appeal to prospective employers. In other cases, certain employers may require BLS certification as a part of their employment eligibility criteria. Upon passing your test, we will provide you with a high-quality CPR certification card that will further improve the impression you will make to employers. The AHA, which created the materials that form the basis of our courses, is a part of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). This is a group formed of different countries from continents around the world. ILCOR accepts the certification card that is earned via your completion of our BLS training, which is taught by AHA-certified instructors. As a result, your certification card is accepted nationwide and recognized both nationally and around the world. Get started with us today and you could learn how to save lives in minutes.


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